Asbestos-Related Symptoms
Symptoms of long-term asbestos exposure can begin to appear as many as 40 years after the initial exposure date. Many of the symptoms associated with asbestos-related exposure can be attributed to other upper respiratory illnesses. You may need to have a CT scan or X-ray to accurately diagnose the condition.
Symptoms include:
- Weight loss
- Shortness of breath
- Dry cough that is persistent and won’t go away
- Chest pain and uncomfortable tightness
Symptoms can be mild to severe and will become worse as time passes.
Asbestos-Related Treatment
There is no specific treatment for asbestos-related illnesses. Most treatment options are used to slow down the diseases’ progress and alleviate your symptoms. Continued care is needed to make sure you are comfortable and able to breathe. In the more advanced stages of the disease, supplemental oxygen may be needed for you to breathe comfortably.
Hire the Right Worker’s Compensation Attorney!
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with asbestos exposure, make an appointment with your physician immediately. You should also call a Worker’s Compensation attorney who specializes in these types of cases.
At Gaylord & Nantais, each attorney has years of experience in dealing with asbestos-related cases. They understand your needs and will provide you with the most aggressive representation possible. Call and schedule your consultation today!