Naming the Disease
J. G. Adami first used the term mesothelioma in reference to pleural cancers as early as 1909. In 1931, C. B. Rabin and P. Klemperer began to discover ways of diagnosing the disease. They also learned what happens in the body to cause the disease to flourish.
What Causes Mesothelioma
H. W. Welder began to establish the connection between mesothelioma and asbestos when it was uncovered that German workers were more prone to pleural forms of cancer. Since the initial connection was made, over 50 countries have banned the use of asbestos. The United States, however, still allows for its use with only a partial ban in place.
Limiting Exposure
OSHA began to place strict regulations on the exposure to asbestos, as well as other toxins and pollutants, but workers are still exposed at alarming rates. Continued exposure to asbestos over a long period of time will dramatically increase your risk of being diagnosed with mesothelioma or other upper respiratory diseases.
If you believe you have been exposed to asbestos and want to talk to a reputable mesothelioma attorney, call the offices of Gaylord & Nantais today! They will answer your questions and address any concerns you may have.