Are Essential Workers Entitled to Workers’ Compensation Benefits for COVID- 19 Exposure?
As the health crisis is peaking, it is essential to know what rights an individual has if they have been permanently injured or succumbed to the COVID-19 virus. They should know whether they will be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, including death benefits if they were required to work during the coronavirus pandemic and got exposed to the infection as a result of their job.
Frontline workers, including law enforcement, healthcare, grocery, and other important businesses, have continued to operate, which exposes them to the public and poses a significant risk of contracting the virus. If you get sick and miss work for more than 3 days, you may claim workers’ compensation temporary disability benefits from your organization. If you get permanently injured or suffer long-term affects, a permanent disability award may be available.
In the worst case, if a worker dies, their spouse, children, and other dependents are left with financial stress. Workers’ compensation death benefits are available for them, which can provide much needed income. If someone you know has died as a result of the COVID-19 disease, ask them to seek legal counsel to see if they qualify for any of these benefits.
In some cases, it would be difficult for coronavirus-infected workers to establish how and/or where they were exposed to the virus, and they may not qualify for a workers’ compensation claim.
If you want assistance regarding workers’ compensation benefits for workplace injuries and death during COVID- 19, contact us. We’re here to answer your questions.