Influence on the Employee Benefits
Benefits for workers’ compensation have been reduced in 33 states since 2012 due to legislative efforts to make cuts in state budgets. Additionally, new laws have created more hurdles for victims of on the job accidents. The result is that employers are paying the lowest rates for Workers’ comp in decades while employees must pay more out of pocket costs when they get injured at work. Medicare has tightened its approval process as well.
Stricter Regulations
Due to the fact that many opportunists have taken advantage of workers’ compensation, several states have adopted stricter requirements for at work injury claims. In states where such new laws have already passed as well as states planning on tougher legislation, it will be more difficult for you to win a settlement, as many cases are now being denied.
Fighting For Your Benefits
In some situations you are better off filing your own lawsuit against an employer than waiting around to see if you can pick up workers’ comp benefits. You have a better chance of winning a bigger settlement with a lawsuit. Make sure you consult an attorney that has specialized in workers’ compensation cases with a track record of success. Contact Gaylord & Nantais the for best quality legal services for your compensation claim.